
Live chat in customer support – frequently asked questions

Customer care live chat, or salesforce support live chat ensures real people lead client communication management, set up customer correspondence theme, and be responsible for customer support availability.

The most frequently asked questions are about the live chat service, so here are the five most common questions – and the answers as well.

Are “robots” or “avatars” hiding behind live chatting?

No! People want to correspond with people. During live correspondence, there is always an employee available who needs to master certain live written communication skills. When correspondence manages to become an empathic interaction between people, then both the customer gains a positive opinion about both the company and the brand.

Should live chat be available 24/7?

In our opinion NO! While the essential and big advantage of live chat is real-time communication with website visitors, this does not mean that live chat should be available 24/7.

There are few organizations that are able to offer customer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so there is no need for such a B2B segment. This should not be an obstacle that prevents the introduction of live correspondence. More importantly, service times are popular and clearly communicated so that visitors to your website know when they have the option to have a direct dialogue with one employee. It is recommended to introduce an offline sign, so that it can be seen when someone is available or unavailable, and customers can either leave a message or ask for a contact later.

Isn’t live correspondence too impersonal?

Without a doubt, nothing can replace a personal conversation. But as we all know, that is a) not always possible and b) it doesn’t always make sense. If we look at alternatives like phone, email, live correspondence, etc., live correspondence and telephone work much closer. It mostly comes down to what suits the customers the most. For some visitors, live correspondence with a photo of that worker may seem more personal than a phone call and vice versa. But do we agree that the most impersonal channel is presented through e-mail or?

Is live chat only used by Generation Y?

From our experience, one clear NO. Various younger studies, including the study “The Impact of Demographics on Live Chat Customer Service” by Software Advice, confirm the high level of acceptance among the younger generation. But the study also shows our own experience and also that acceptance among all generations and ages is growing. I personally see this as a factor of positive surprise that you can achieve with the older generation. And please don’t forget that it is Generation Y that will successively come to management positions in the upcoming years. Therefore, you should offer this service on your website better today than tomorrow.

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