4 work from home suggestions and working remotely from home tips for increased employee productivity and workplace creation.
More and more people are working from home. However, there are countless disruptive factors that can affect performance. With these tips, you can eliminate them and optimize your work from home.
- Create your workplace
There is a reason why it is called a “home office”. Working from a bed, couch or dining table is not a good idea. In these places you are used to relaxing. Create an office atmosphere for yourself.
Our technical and organizational measures insist that you have a room that is not accessible to third parties during work. It is very important to us that all measures to protect personal data are followed. This also creates a feeling of an office atmosphere.
- Dress for the job
Getting up, drinking coffee in your pyjamas and going straight to work will certainly have a certain appeal. However, for most people the following applies: Dress appropriately. This will help you get into the mood and focus properly.
- Fixed working hours are important
Although we offer flexible working hours and free choice of shifts, we recommend that our call center agents organize their work as scheduled as possible.
Don’t tell yourself that you will be doing more tomorrow. Instead, be disciplined and start at the same time every day. To prevent your home work from interfering with your private life, it is ideal to finish your work day at the same time every day.
We recommend our call center agents to be in the home office at least 10 minutes earlier. This way they have enough time to log on to all necessary systems, but also to react in case of technical problems.
- Take breaks
If you already dress for the homee office, transfere different habits to your work from home as well. Take breaks. A one-hour lunch break is the perfect source of energy to restart your head. Just leave some time off your weekly schedule and enjoy it without thinking about work.